
Showing posts from February, 2011

Continuance of Heritage & Role of Art through Ages: A Review

GAURAV Scientist D/HO RMNH, Bhubaneswar Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Govt of India   A country like India may happily count itself one among the five greatest civilizations ever existed on the globe. For more than five thousand years Indian has witnessed great relations with other civilizations and changes on the levels of average communal wisdom, Art, Culture, Religion, Economy and Administration. Changes in any of the said factor lead to great ups and downs to others as all these had been inclusive and complex ingredients for Great Civilizations. Any statement on the continuance of heritage or conveyance potential of art for heritage, needs the Heritage to be redefined, in terms of inheritance and its functionality as a social system. I believe heritage itself is an active system. Heritage includes tangible and intangible forms of arts and vice versa Arts and artifacts carry several forms of heritage. Intangible heritage exist in inclusive form of Memory ...